F2T Challenge Submission

Challenge Submission

Challenge Submission

F2T Challenge Submission

Ensure your challenge is named so it can be easily identified (eg. FirstName_LastName_F2T1234567).
First Name
Last Name
This can be found on your certificate. To find your certificate, navigate to your profile and click 'View Certificate' that appears near your name
To help match your entry within our database.
This email is where you will receive your confirmation after submission. Ideally use a non-work email (eg. gmail, yahoo, hotmail) as government server firewalls often block our emails.
Are you uploading a file greater than 100 mb?
Larger files may need to be uploaded through alternate means.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

If you have to upload multiple files, please complete this form multiple times and name your files appropriately (eg. FirstName_LastName_F2T1234567_1of3).

Video/Large File Upload

If you are uploading a video or a file larger than 256 mb, you can submit by clicking HERE. This will open a separate page to upload your file. Once your file has been submitted, ensure that you submit this form as well by clicking the button below.