Advanced Level Training

Fitness Performance Specialist

Roles and Responsibilities of the Fitness-Performance Specialist

The FPS designation can be awarded to individuals who have received advanced level training. In comparison to PFTs, FPSs may serve in additional roles or be given additional responsibilities as listed below. A full list of the potential roles and responsibilities for certified members can be found HERE.

Leader (Innovate and Influence)
  • FPSs can assist in establishing the goals and objectives for their department’s program and identify potential strategies and tactics that could be used to facilitate progress.
  • FPSs can solicit stakeholder feedback, advocate for their peers, and identify innovative solutions to address existing obstacles to program implementation.
Manager (Program Oversight, Coordination and Evaluation)
  • FPSs can work with other stakeholders to oversee the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of their department’s wellness and fitness program.
  • FPSs can lead or assist with the coordination of different program initiatives, including the support and continuing education of other certified members (PFTs and WFAs).

How Many Members Should I Certify As a FPS?

Although the size, structure, and needs of every department will be different, a general recommendation is having 1 FPS per district.

Becoming Certified

Prospective FPSs are required to complete 3 F2T Courses (F2T 101: Fitness Principles & Practice or equivalent, plus an additional 2 courses, excluding F2T 110), and 3 F2T Workshops.

PFTs who amass the required number of courses and challenges, and who are interested in attaining a FPS certificate must contact the F2T team directly to request a certification upgrade. Upon being awarded the FPS certification, a member will immediately gain access to F2T community resources associated with this level of certification. Members who upgrade their certification to a FPS, will remain in the certification cycle assigned to them upon becoming a certified PFT.

A breakdown of the costs associated with certifying as a FPS can be seen in the table below. Note, estimated course costs are based on the cost of F2T 103 Virtual.

Requirements Cost (USD)
F2T 101 Virtual / In-person $799 / $999
2 F2T Courses $499 per course
3 F2T Workshops $49 per workshop
Total Cost $1944 / $2144


In order to renew for an additional 2-year period, a FPS certificate holder is required to complete the following over the course of their 2-year certification period: 12 CECs & 2 F2T Challenges. At least half of the CECs must come from F2T Education. For complete information on what is required to renew, we encourage you to visit our Certificate Renewal page.

Note, members who upgrade to a FPS are required to meet the FPS recertification requirements at the end of their renewal cycle.

A breakdown of the costs associated with the continuing education requirements and recertification fee for a FPS can be seen in the table below.

Requirements Cost (USD)
12 CECs $299*
2 F2T Challenges $0
Renewal Fee $99
Total Cost $398

*Price based on CECs from 6 F2T Workshops

