Purchase of the F2T Certificate Renewal product will satisfy the renewal fee required for members to re-certify as an F2T ambassador. In order for a member to renew successfully they must also complete ALL the required CECs and F2T Challenges corresponding to their member status (WFA, PFT or FPS). We strongly encourage you to review the renewal requirements for each certificate level, which can be accessed via the links found on the sidebar of this page.
Upon purchasing this product for yourself or using a coupon purchased by someone else, it will be immediately credited to your account. By doing this in advance your renewal deadline, you are also acknowledging that it is your responsibility to complete all required CECs and/or F2T Challenges that may be outstanding at the time this product is purchased. Please be advised that paying the renewal fee does not automatically renew a member’s F2T Certificate.
Late Renewals
After the recertification deadline expires, members who have not completed ALL renewal requirements will not have their F2T Certificate renewed. These members will be given a 6-month grace period to complete their outstanding requirements. Members will not lose access to their portal or resources over this period, and will be reinstated upon completion of any outstanding requirements. A late renewal fee of $50 USD will be applied to their account during this period. We strongly encourage you to review our guide to maintain your F2T Certificate, which outlines the policies and procedures associated with the renewal process (link HERE). If your certificate is move that 6 months expired, contact us at info@fittothrive.ca to learn your options to become reinstated.